Monday, January 19, 2009


Jimdesu and I would like to announce the arrival of a new member of our family. Her name is Alice and she is very small. She is also a kitten and, as such, cute.

Those of you who have met our other cats, Photon and Vespers, might be thinking that this is a risky move. After all, while Photon is sweet and good-natured and generally easy-going, Vespers is... not. That is why we'll be keeping young Alice away from Vespers for a little while. Photon will be officially introduced to Alice tonight under the auspices of nation building. Hopefully he and Alice can form a mini-UN before we introduce Vespers (whom, for the sake of this analogy, I will call North Korea) into the mix. Fingers crossed, but I have a good feeling about it. In the meantime, Jimdesu is doing some hard core bonding with Alice while I ooze love over Photon and Vespers. This will hopefully do two things: 1. It should help Phot and Vesp with any jealousy they may feel. 2. If Alice bonds strongly enough to Jimdesu, I won't be able to accidentally poach her like I did our other two cats, both of whom were supposed to love Jimdesu best. 

Here are Alice's stats:
1. She has a MASSIVE purr, even though  she's little - four months old and no more than a pound I'd say.
2. She is going to be a medium/long haired cat, although right now she looks like she's the constant victim of static electricity. She is a heavy-on-the-black torti and when you look at her from the right angle, her big dark eyes make her look like a goblin.
3. She has a teeeeeny, occasional meow. Jimdesu says that she sounds like a little lighthouse - meow........meow........ meow.......
4. She likes laser pointers, and is already a pretty decent pouncer.

I promise that I will post a picture of her as soon as I can. Hopefully that will be before she's all grown up :)

Welcome Alice!


  1. I can attest to that purrbox--J put the phone to Alice while we talked last night and boy, she could put ME to sleep with that!
    Congrats and anxiously awaiting photo and further dispatches about how the nation building goes!

  2. Boy, I know - she kind of makes your lungs vibrate when you hold her. Will keep you posted on nation building and hopefully get some photos up soon :)

  3. Oh, new kitty, YAY! Hope Kitty UN goes swimmingly, and that Alice loves Jim best. :) Can't wait to see pictures!

  4. Was Alice a stray or a shelter kitty? Curiosity and all that... ;)

  5. She was sort of a shelter kitty - a local rescue group took her in and got her vetted for adoption. It's the sort of operation that takes animals up for adoption to pet supply stores on week-ends. J and I got snagged before we'd even reached the kibbies :)
