Friday, January 16, 2009

The Annex is Up

For awhile now, I've wanted to set up a secondary blog. The Foggy Foot Review is so content specific, that I've found myself with casual nothings to blog, but nowhere to really blog them. And so, I present The Foggy Foot Annex, my blog for casual nothings. 

Here I will post on topics ranging from food to knitting, from writing to grammar, from stuff to random whatevers. The Annex will link to The Review (which I will continue to write), just as The Review will link to The Annex, but their content will remain separate, for while I try to remain objective and even "professional" for The Review, I'm liable to get silly, snarky or kind of weird here.

So that's The Annex. Hopefully it will be a lot less discursive on my part and a little more casually interactive. And if it isn't, well, at least I'll entertain myself. Be on the look out for future postings on "Why Immersion Blenders Rock", "Alternative Furstyles of the Gray and Feline" and "Making a Goose for Spaniards Who Really Aren't That In To Goose". Oh, and a serious thank you to my lemurful husband. He suggested the name for The Annex - if it weren't for him, I probably would have named it something silly like "Apocrypha".


  1. Oh YAY YAY YAY!
    ::happy snoopy dance::

  2. Wowee! You're quick! Thanks Mexalapotis!

  3. AAAAAND I already put a link up. :) Spiff, huh? ;)

  4. Woo-hoo! Another bloglink! Ought to make note not to forget to link (I need to make notes of EVERYTHING these days)...:)
