Monday, February 16, 2009

And I *Still* Think It's a Cryin' Shame

James and I were shuffling through our DVDs looking for something to watch over the long week-end. We ended up popping in Firefly and let me tell you what, it's still one of the best shows I've ever seen. It just breaks my heart that it never finished its first season - all because FOX screwed up the marketing. Even worse, I'm one of the noodles-heads who heard it was about cowboys in space and took a pass on it when it counted. If they'd only said it was about Reconstruction in space, or Libertarians in space (that's James' favorite) more people, ie: me, might've checked it out. 

So now Joss Whedon has a news series starting, The Dollhouse, and despite the fact that FOX has once again tinkered with the marketing and possibly the series, I'm really looking forward to it. I've been a fan of Whedon's since he made the original Buffy the Vampire Slayer movie with Kristie Swansen and Luke Perry, which, if you haven't seen it, is *still* hilarious more than ten years later. And just recently he scored again with Doctor Horrible's Singing Blog (the most charming evil musical ever). And so I say screw FOX, the fine folks that bolloxed Firefly - I hope they give people a chance to give The Dollhouse a chance.

Still, with only 13 episodes of Firefly to watch, I really do wish there were more.


  1. ::sigh:: Whenever I feel like I need something smart, funny, but sad at the same time, that keeps my brain engaged but not too much, I pop in Firefly, too. Usually followed by Serenity, just for good measures. Like you, I never actually watched it on TV-I don't watch TV much at all, and the way it was marketed really didn't ring any bells for me. But oh boy, we love the series now. Not obsessively, but we have our favorite quotes and episodes; mine is still 'Jaynestown".

  2. I also greatly enjoyed Firefly/Serenity, and yes, the original Buffy the Vampire Slayer is a classic.
    "You took off my arm! Kill him a lot!"

    Fox has had a long history of killing my favorite science fiction shows. Alien Nation was the first for me, followed by Firefly and then Futurama. I've now vowed to never watch Fox again...and I find I'm missing none of it.

    I'm watching the last of Battlestar Galactica which is just getting weird, but yet I feel a need to see how it all ends. Then I don't know what I'll watch after that...maybe nothing until the next season of Dr. Who.

  3. drteine- We've just Netflixed the final season of Battlestar Galactica too. Gotta know how it ends now that everyone's a Cylon!

    Anna - I love Jaynestown too. It ties for my favorite with Our Mrs. Reynolds. But the neat thing about Firefly is that even my less favorite episodes are still great. Snarl Fox.

  4. I must admit my appreciation for Firefly is more recent (having missed on the first go round based on aversion to the "space western" description pitched to me) and as such have the fanatical love of the newly converted. The show is surprisingly brilliant (or not-so-surprising, if you're a Whedon fan... which I am... the man is pure genius in person-form) and it makes me sad that such fanstastic writing and development was sabotaged while utter schlock is made to flourish... stupid idiot box! =) I haven't seen Dollhouse yet, but if it's followers are to be believed, it's pretty fantastic!

  5. its and it's just as a passing correction... =)

  6. Hee! I'm so glad that I'm not the only person who goes back in to make grammar corrections :)
