Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Photon Ate Lettuce Tonight

I'm not kidding. He very delicately nibbled and finished off a bit of romaine with olive oil, pepper and salt. He's so weird. I love him.


  1. Oh, cute! I love hearing about your cats, they are great. :)

  2. I always suspected that Phot is a reincarnated 19th century Brit aristocrat--hee.

  3. Saint Gracie (may Gracie have mercy on God's soul) had some very weird eating habits. When she was young she would eat just about anything off of our plates except for very spicy foods. However, there was one time when I was very offended as I made her a tiny pancake and she sniffed it and tried to start burying it there on the floor like it was something that fell out of the litterbox. In her older age she ate applesauce and devoured grass at any chance she could get it.

    It's good to have odd cats. I think they keep us on our toes and yes, make us happy. Now if I can just get the new cat Fred to stop eating pencil erasers and rubber bands I'll be in good shape.

  4. I love the idea of making a cat a tiny pancake - I know that Phot would go for it if it was slathered in enough butter. He's definitely our resident weird eater. Vesp is pretty feline in her tastes, although she can hear an egg boiling from across the house :)

  5. Boiling, nothing: somehow she knows the sound of opening an egg carton and will come running downstairs for handouts!

    On the larger scale, as long as lettuce doesn't become part of Photon's quasi-bulimic routine, I'm ok with it.

  6. BooBoo has calmed down and gone all feline, but he can hear flesh being torn from thirty feet away. It's uncanny: pull meat off a bone, and BAM! Instant Summon Hungry Cat spell.
